Why should you choose custom metal over other options?
There are many products on the market that you could use. Why should you choose custom metal over other options? At Steel Beautiful, we believe in products that are both functional and beautiful as well as durable. We stand behind our products with integrity and go the extra mile to leave our clients happy. Most of our business comes from repeat clients or referrals from former clients. Here is why you should choose custom metal products over other offerings.
(The following relates for the most part to the following products: fencing, gates, step rails porch rails. )

Versus Prefabricated
Prefabricated products are usually one size fits most alternatives. They will not provide the finishing professional details that a custom product offers. When prefabricated products experience wear or are in need of a repair, a welding specialist oftentimes advises to replace entire sections or to replace the entire product altogether. Custom products can be easily repaired and remain durable for many years. They also add security, class, and value to any structure.
Design options for a beautiful well-fitted rail are infinite, however, the finite possibilities when choosing a prefabricated product, often constructed with a lighter gauge metal than custom products, can cause a home or business owner to settle. A welding and fabrication specialist can conceive of designs or bring yours to life. Want no pressure to compromise on your design choices? We are ready to make your home or business, Steel Beautiful!

Versus Do it Yourself (DIY)
Though diy has become a trending activity over the last few years, customizing and perfecting a metal rail, gate, or fence, takes a particular skill set that most homeowners do not possess. While we understand the tenacity behind doing a project yourself and the savings that might be incurred, it is difficult to duplicate a professionally fabricated welding structure, as the details that go into it are often not immediately noticeable. At times, diy'ers may end up spending more time, energy, and money than necessary on a project.
Metal crafting is an ancient art form that has evolved over the years and various artistic abilities and training, as well as mathematical knowledge often come into play in every project. In addition, several different welding tools may be required to achieve specific outcomes. Most homeowners do not have immediate access to these tools and rentals may drive expenses up.
If you still want to tackle a project yourself, we will be glad to take a look and give you appropriate advice to get you going.

Versus Wood
According to David Beaulieu, a landscaping expert, "Well, for using a wood gate versus a metal or wrought iron gate, you can certainly save money in the overall cost of the project. But a wood gate is limited in terms of how much distance it can span. Once it goes over 42 inches in width, the need for metal brackets and cross-bracing becomes a very important factor. The weight of the wood will naturally cause the structure to sag whereas a metal unit is held together by welds and is more stable in terms of its joints. A wood gate will bounce and twist as it swings open, and a wood gate that is longer than 5 feet will need metal bracket plates to make the joints more rigid."
If you, however, prefer the look of wood, metal can fortify your structure and add years of enjoyment, or faux painting and blacksmithing techniques make it possible to enjoy the "look" of wood replicated onto your Steel Beautiful metal structure.

Versus Other Companies
We are humbled by the fact that so many of our clients speak so well of us during and after their experiences with us. We do not take their trust in us for granted. Our goal is to give each client a quality, worry-free product that performs well for years.
We warranty our products from fabrication defects for as long as you own it. And will be happy to come to you if it is not possible to bring it to us to provide an inspection.
We offer a no-cost estimate and initial concept drawing for most projects, and after the work is completed, we maintain open communications for client feedback and concerns. We are happy to serve you with your welding needs. Call us today for a free estimate!